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ToDo Items...

ToDo Action interface.
The ToDo Action Item is a reminder to the user of some activity that is to be performed on a particular incident.

This activity can consist of any action that is relevant to the management of the claim. For this reason, the ToDo Action Item List is closely associated with the Claims Management section.

The ToDo Action Items are created in one of two methods.

The first method is where ToDo Action Items are automatically created by the system through the Claims Management Section. When the user changes the Worker's Status of the Claim Status, a new ToDo Action Item is created by the system. The user can determine whether this item is added to the ToDo List. The choice of automatically adding this item to the list is dependent on two conditions. This primary determinate is the check box on the Change Claim State (continued) Screen. If this check box is selected, the item will be added to the list. Conversely, if this box is blank, the item will not be added to the list. The user can always decide at the time of accepting the change of status if the item is to be added to the list. The user can elect not to have items automatically entered onto the list through the System Maintenance Screen. By turning this feature off, the default for the check box on the Change Claim State (continued) Screen is empty. The user can still decide to add a particular ToDo Action Item to the list by filling in this check box before accepting the status change.

The second method of adding ToDo Action Items to the list is the manual addition of an item by the user. When the Incident Folder for a incident is opened, one of the sections available to the user is the ToDo section. Opening this section presents the ToDo Action Item List associated with this incident. The user can select the New button and create a ToDo Action Item. This activity will then be added to the list.

As with many other sections in this software, the ToDo Section also presents a pre-formatted report the user can print out.

v3HistPrt.gif (74492 bytes)
ThumbNail Image of ToDo Report
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Intuitive Ease of Use
ToDo Items can be reviewed and printed at both the single incident level and at the Entire Overview level that includes all ToDo Items entered into the program to date.


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